Face Masks We love
skincare Camille Sarabia skincare Camille Sarabia

Face Masks We love

Regularly using a face mask can be so cleaning and nourishing for you skin. Some have properties that minimize pores and acne while others infused with vitamin D, can replenish your skin over night. Here’s a list of our tried and proven favorites, their ingredients and where you can find them.

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His and Her Signature Scents
fragrance Camille Sarabia fragrance Camille Sarabia

His and Her Signature Scents

Sweet jasmine, vanilla, cloves, pine…we each have those scents that we love. Some even become signature to our identity. Here’s our list of perfumes and colones for him and her. Our gift guide to a special someone.

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A Powerful Lip
beauty Camille Sarabia beauty Camille Sarabia

A Powerful Lip

Lip color–A powerful statement or a subtle color tying your look together. Regardless, here’s our list of our favorite lip colors and where you can find them.

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